
Windows Sandbox Customization with DSC

Demo Windows Sandbox Customization with Powershell DSC In this Demo I’m going to show you how you can use the Windows Sandbox and do some customization with Powershell DSC. Enable Windows Sandbox First you need to enable the Windows Sandbox. You can do that by enabling the windows feature using the GUI or enable it with Powershell: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "Containers-DisposableClientVM" -Online Customization Files You can create a XML Config file like the following example and save it anywhere as .

useful chocolatey commands

Useful Chocolatey commands Useful Chocolatey commands search a package: choco search appname Install a package choco install appname list all installed packages choco list -localonly list specific package choco list appname upgrade specific package: choco upgrade appname upgrade all packages choco upgrade all

ExchangeOnline Mailadressen anzeigen, hinzufügen, entfernen

ExchangeOnline Mailadressen anzeigen, hinzufügen, entfernen' Exchange Online: Mailadressen anzeigen, hinzufügen, entfernen Voraussetzungen Das ExchangeOnlineManagment Module muss installiert, importiert sein und man muss sich mit der entsprechenden Exchange Online Umgebung verbinden: ExchangeOnlineManagement Module in Powershell installieren: Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement Das Module importieren: Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement Mit der Exchange Online Environment verbinden (run this command as admin, then login) Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName admin@customerdomain.onmicrosoft.com Für die Befehle im lokalen AD, muss das ActiveDirectory Powershell Modul geladen sein: https://theitbros.

How to show last bootuptime of Computers with Powershell

Use Get-CimInstance with the ClassName win32_operatingsystem You can query the ClassName win32_operatingsystem and select from there the computername csname and the last bootup time lastbootuptime Get-CimInstance -ComputerName 'DC01' -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime Show last bootuptime for multiple computers If you want to do that for multiple computers you can for example do it wit a foreach loop: # First query the computer from which you want to have this information: $computer = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | where Name -Match dc # Now get the lastbootuptime for every computer in the computer array: foreach($c in $computer){ $computername = $c.

Search a specific entry over all GPO

A way to search a specific setting over all GPOs Generate a GPO Report over your Domain You can generate a GPO Report over your Domain either in a XML or HTML file and then search through that file. To generate a XML use this command: Get-GPOReport -All -Domain "domain.com" -Server "DC01" -ReportType XML -Path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReportsAll.xml" To generate a HTML file you can use this command: Get-GPOReport -All -Domain "domain.com" -Server "DC01" -ReportType HTML -Path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReportsAll.

Run a gpresult on a remote computer

How to run a gpresult on a remote computer Use the Invoke-Command You can simply use the Invoke Command to run the gpresult command on a remote computer: Define the ComputerName after the Invoke-Command In the ScriptBlock you can simply run your command here comes the new highlight: 199 200 Invoke-Command -ComputerName 'ComputerName' -ScriptBlock{ gpresult /r /USER 'username' Run gpresult for a specific User in a RDS environment In the following script you just have to define the username + the RDS ConnectionBroker.