This MindMap was created using the following Microsoft Learn Path: Introduction to Machine Learning
This MindMap was created using the following Microsoft Youtube Video: MLOps explained | Machine Learning Essentials
I created this Azure Monitor MindMap last year to get a better Overview over Azure Monitor. I’ve created it based on the Azure Monitor Documentation. Somethings may be outdated today -> you can find the Microsoft Docs to that topic here: Azure Monitor
Um eine gewisse Übersicht über die ganze Microsoft Lizenzierung zu erhalten, habe ich folgendes MindMap erstellt: Preview Das MindMap wurde anhand des Microsoft Webinars “Grundlagen der Microsoft Lizenzierung” erstellt:
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DevOps the three Ways from the DevOps Handbook The DevOps Handbook Preview
This MindMap tries to give an Overview over the book Building Powershell Modules - Brandon Olin Preview