Use Get-CimInstance with the ClassName win32_operatingsystem You can query the ClassName win32_operatingsystem and select from there the computername csname and the last bootup time lastbootuptime
Get-CimInstance -ComputerName 'DC01' -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | select csname, lastbootuptime Show last bootuptime for multiple computers If you want to do that for multiple computers you can for example do it wit a foreach loop:
# First query the computer from which you want to have this information: $computer = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | where Name -Match dc # Now get the lastbootuptime for every computer in the computer array: foreach($c in $computer){ $computername = $c.
A way to search a specific setting over all GPOs
Generate a GPO Report over your Domain You can generate a GPO Report over your Domain either in a XML or HTML file and then search through that file.
To generate a XML use this command:
Get-GPOReport -All -Domain "" -Server "DC01" -ReportType XML -Path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReportsAll.xml" To generate a HTML file you can use this command:
Get-GPOReport -All -Domain "" -Server "DC01" -ReportType HTML -Path "C:\GPOReports\GPOReportsAll.
How to run a gpresult on a remote computer
Use the Invoke-Command You can simply use the Invoke Command to run the gpresult command on a remote computer:
Define the ComputerName after the Invoke-Command In the ScriptBlock you can simply run your command here comes the new highlight:
199 200 Invoke-Command -ComputerName 'ComputerName' -ScriptBlock{ gpresult /r /USER 'username' Run gpresult for a specific User in a RDS environment In the following script you just have to define the username + the RDS ConnectionBroker.
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Was ist Logik? Was ist ein Argument? Was macht ein Argument schlüssig? Beispiele für Logische Fehlschlüsse Zum Thema habe ich auch ein kurzes Video erstellt: